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Some History of the Bennett Feed Mill
1915 - Balfour Routh built the feed mill around 1915 and sold it to Oscar Routh around 1924 (information from Lucy Pugh).
1924 - Bud Routh drove the wagon down in 1924 when his dad Oscar moved to Bennett from Randolph County and the Grays Chapel, NC area (information from Pearl Routh Willett).
1990's - Michael Priest bought the last bag of feed in the 90's (information from Michael Priest).
2005 - Dwain and Heidi Gullion purchased the mill on May 27, 2005 from Ken and Sandra Wilkinson. The feed mill is located across the road from the house where Heidi's Grandma and Grandpa Andrews lived (Uncle Glenn Andrews lives there now). Original photos from May 25, 2005 and renovation photos are from July - September, 2007.
1924 - Bud Routh drove the wagon down in 1924 when his dad Oscar moved to Bennett from Randolph County and the Grays Chapel, NC area (information from Pearl Routh Willett).
1990's - Michael Priest bought the last bag of feed in the 90's (information from Michael Priest).
2005 - Dwain and Heidi Gullion purchased the mill on May 27, 2005 from Ken and Sandra Wilkinson. The feed mill is located across the road from the house where Heidi's Grandma and Grandpa Andrews lived (Uncle Glenn Andrews lives there now). Original photos from May 25, 2005 and renovation photos are from July - September, 2007.
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